Friends I don’t mean to brag … but the Wild Dough family will be dining out on chicken for the next month!
Why do you care what our family is eating for dinner?
Great question and it’s taken me a while to come to terms with the fact we’ve won not one - but TWO - International Business Stevie Awards!
If you know me you probably won’t believe me when I say I was speechless. I opened the email at 6.30am. Screamed. And then was quite literally unable to string together a sentence for the rest of the day!
What are the Stevie Awards?
I won’t be even a little bit surprised if the mention of Stevie’s means nothing to you. Until I was in business I hadn’t heard of them either.
But they’re global and they’re prestigious so I was so excited when I was nominated and completely speechless when Wild Dough won. We went up against 3700 nominations from businesses across 67 countries.
We won Gold in the categories of:
Company of the year - consumer products (non-durable)
Startup of the Year - consumer products
Essentially the Stevie’s are the Academy Awards of the business world. And just like the Academy Awards have the ‘most outstanding’ awards which are voted by industry peers and ‘most popular’ voted by the public - so too does the Academy Awards.
So we’ve already won two of the Academy Award equivalent of ‘Most Outstanding’ awards. And because we were a Gold Winner we have been given a place for a People’s Choice in the Consumer Goods category. We are up against 7 other huge global businesses so we're hoping you can help this underdog out!

Can you spare a few seconds?
Not gonna lie, it would make our year to win this one too! So if you have a few spare seconds (literally it’s just three clicks) I’d be super grateful for the vote. Just click here, scroll down to the Consumer Goods category and click on Wild Dough … and voila a vote for us!
If you’re an awards junkie like me and want to see the brands we were up against or look for any of your other favourite brand nominations check out the press release here.
Meanwhile the official presentation and Awards Gala is in London on 15 October and Mr Wild and I will be dressing up to watch live from our living room because we’ll be gearing up for Christmas which is (gasp!) only 16 weeks away! Shame as I would have loved to walk out onto that stage to accept our trophies!
… I’ll leave the thought of Christmas being a mere 3 months away sink in! But don't worry, it's not released yet but we just made our first Christmas batches for 2022 so it won't be far away! #wegotyou