There’s so many reasons I’m excited to have Wild Dough included in the 2022 Kinder Kits, the one that excites me the most is our product was chosen by a government panel of early childhood experts because our playdough is safe, inclusive, and a fun way to kick-start a child’s education.
Every Victorian child starting three year old kinder will receive a kit. That’s a LOT of playdough.

Imagine … A Giant Wild Dough Sausage Chain
To make enough dough for all the kits we created 15 tonne of dough!
What does that look like: If every Victorian child who receives the dough in the Kinder Kit rolled their dough into a sausage and we chained all those sausages together it would stretch from the top to the bottom of Victoria.
That’s 225km giant playdough sausage - big enough to stretch around Albert Park Lake 45 times! YeS A LOT of dough. We went through 14 pellets of flour and 1000 litres of oil to make 225km playdough sausage.
A Wild Ride For Our Team
Wild Dough is proudly Australian made. We make all the dough at a warehouse in Melbourne. So, what does it take to make an additional 15 tonnes of playdough? Some fun facts:
✔️We employed additional staff and we are a team of 9 people
✔️We refurbished the warehouse
✔️We purchased an extra six machines
✔️We consumed approximately 480 cans of Pepsi Max
✔️Mel - Chief Creator and Wild Dough Designer - can now be considered a banh mi official taster - she ate roast pork banh mi every single day (so about 70!) . If you’re looking for Melbourne’s best banh mi just ask her
✔️Our Chief Wild Couple worked together for the first time ever with Mr Wild Dough taking 9 weeks leave from his job (... and they’re still married)
✔️Mel’s hands were every colour of the rainbow for the full 9 weeks
✔️Miss and Master Wild Dough loved time with their grandparents while their parents worked day and night.
It was a challenge. The business upscaled … fast. It was lots of fun and the whole team is so proud to see our playdough in so many little hands.